In The Media

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Child Study Professors Make Strides in Neurodiversity and Inclusion

Associate professor Jessica Scher Lisa, Psy.D., and assistant professor Harry Voulgarakis, Ph.D., BCBA, who teach in SJC Long Island’s Child Study department, spent the better part of the last year researching and presenting on neurodiversity and inclusion. They presented in June 2021 at The Teaching Professor Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, on supporting neurodiverse students in higher education settings. They gave a similar talk earlier this year with Assistant Professor of Child Study Kerry Ann Conde, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA, to the St. Joseph’s College community through the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning.

Autism and the Gut: Co-Occurring Gastrointestinal Challenges and Psychosocial Factors

Autism is a complex spectrum of behaviors and other distinguishing characteristics across individuals, for which our understanding of continues to unfold. Alongside it’s well documented social and sensory related symptoms, autism also regularly co-occurs with a host of medical complications that impact sleep, eating and digestion, and brain functioning.

Defining Dyslexia: Why Do Some People Have Difficulty Learning to Read?

Learning to read is at the center of every child’s education but sometimes, and often unexpectedly, many students struggle to master this needed skill. This difficulty learning to read, called dyslexia, is more common than people may think. Dyslexia affects an estimated 20% of the population. It is believed that dyslexia is not related to low intelligence. This means that your child may be bright, but struggle with reading and academics. Many intelligent people have difficulty learning to read.

TV Is Obsessed With an Unrealistic Portrayal of Autistic People

“It’s true that many individuals with high-functioning autism have very high levels of intelligence and savant-like abilities,” says Harry Voulgarakis, a psychologist and director of the Shoreline Center for Social Learning in Connecticut. “But it’s important to remember that this is a small percentage of individuals on the spectrum…in fact, about 40 percent of people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder [ASD] have an intellectual disability, or a lower range IQ. So while the media representations of ASD are not necessarily inaccurate, they are limited in the many aspects of ASD that they are portraying.” 

Researching Immigration: Bendell & Field

The Clinical Psychology faculty colleagues have teamed up to study pregnant women, immigrant families, preterm infants, and more.

Some students will go on to publish their research. The hope is always that any new findings will be used by clinical psychologists in their therapeutic work with patients.

“Research,” says Dr. Field, “is the bottom line for solving problems and providing solutions for people, and for the world.”
Presentation of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Females: Diagnostic Complexities and Implications for Clinicians

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by pervasive deficits in social communication and patterns of restricted, repetitive, stereotyped behaviors and interests (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Beyond the main diagnostic criteria, however, there is considerable heterogeneity in the symptom presentations that is demonstrated by people with ASD, including severity, language, cognitive skills, and related deficits (Evans et al, 2018).
Avoiding the Glares and Stares: Dealing with Challenging Behaviors in Community Settings

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and we have all heard it before. One simple step to reducing challenging behaviors when going out into the community setting is to gather a few items you know your child enjoys. 

There are a wide number of strategies that can be used to address problem behavior in community settings. Unfortunately, there is no overnight fix. Remember that whatever strategy you choose to use, stay consistent, reinforce the contingencies you have set, and above all remember that every once in a while, someone is going to stare and glare.